
Fantastico F3

23 years of fantastic comfort

317 scripts to choose from

Quickly install fully-configured Fantastico F3 across thousands of servers

Add your custom scripts datacenter-wide

Modular, extendable, brandable

Core Features

Instant Updates

Fantastico F3 makes it possible to upgrade as soon as a script update is provided by the script developer. You no longer have to wait for updates from Netenberg.

Bandwidth Saving

Big server farms will appreciate the fact that you can install Fantastico F3 and all associated files from an internal repository.

Flexible Installation

Install scripts in parked or add on domains or as deep inside your web root directory as you wish. Fantastico F3 even supports split installs where certain data directories are stored in a different location than the main script (for example outside of the domain's web root directory) if the script being installed also supports that.

Open Architecture

A totally open architecture enables every author to make their web applications Fantastico F3-ready. You as server owner will decide which of hundreds and possibly thousands of web applications will be available to your users. You can even make your own organization's applications Fantastico F3-ready and put them to the servers of your organization - without intervention from Netenberg.

August 28, 2020 — Starting with Fantastico F3 v4.7 released today, bloggers are offered an optional selection of 42 themely.com themes to choose from with every new WordPress installation. Try it now by opening your Fantastico F3, going to WordPress new installation and clicking on "Install a Themely theme"
See which is the most
up-to-date autoinstaller